Monday, February 16, 2009

The Validity of Astrology

Click Astrology for Love
The definition as I understand it is that human psychology is influenced by the position of the stars, planets, and moons.

I do not believe in horoscopes in the tiniest, they’re more of the over the top example astrology.

This is something weve all experienced and we are able to all agree it occurs. So how does this prove that astrology is real? Well lets go back to that monthly cycle we discussed. A womans menstrual cycle is predicated on a month. But what precisely is a month? A month, according to our present gregorian calendar a month is just a unit of time that is synonimous with a full lunar cycle. A full lunar cycle is the unit of time the female menstration and everyone knows ladies go fucking silly when they’re on their period so this proves that human psychology is influenced by lunar events.
Click Astrology for Love

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