Monday, February 16, 2009

Astrology and 2012

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Lot of prophecies and talks are going on around the planet per the year 2012.

Basically , the calendar of the Mayans ( traditional Maya Civilization of South America ) ends on December twenty-one, 2012 ). Folks are also now trying to get a connection between Kali Yuga and 2012. Some astrologers are forecasting that Kali Yuga will end in 2012 and Satya Yuga will start from December twenty-one, 2012. The world is changing for the good now, he is saying. He asserts from the December of that year, the world will move into a golden period, marking the start of Satya Yuga. There’ll be natural calamities, fiscal issues, wars and global warming. This is also the time when Mayans end their calendar. ‘But our old methods of thinking, including our biology will change as the Sun, Earth and Pleides line up in space. Currently one of the preferred ideas going around is connecting 2012 to Kali Yuga.

In Hinduism, the universe starts in the Satya Yuga and ends in the Kali Yuga. And the cycle creation and eradication is repeated. Dwapara Yuga lasts for 864,000 and Kali Yuga for 432,000. But standard scriptures don’t accept this as Kali Yuga will last for 432,000 years. Now people who are saying that Kali Yuga will end after 5000 years are indicating the start of golden period in 2012. The widely accepted belief of Hindus is that Kali Yuga will see total destruction. Hinduism teaches that all animate and inanimate is Brahman. Doomsday prophecies and 2012 are products of ego or stupidity, which hampers self realization.

To the realized there’s no beginning and end.

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