Monday, February 16, 2009

Famous Astrologer

Your Astrology
Joan Quigley is the name of the famous astrologer who suggested previous First Woman Nancy Reagan during her husband, Ronald Reagan’s, years in office.

Nancy Reagan’s dependance on Quigley became front-page stories, and she even made the cover of Time Mag in May 1988 with the title “Astrology in the White House.”. But where did this famous astrologer, Quigley, come from, and how did she first meet Nancy Reagan? Joan Quigley was born in San Francisco. It wasn’t till 1988 that folks found out this famous astrologer was advising Nancy Reagan, and she started getting bad P.

R. For it.

A little vengeance in his motive then, you think? This famous astrologer was called on to set plenty of vital dates and times in President Reagan’s schedule. Quigley would look at calendars and label them bad or good days for the President to do certain things that might put him in peril. She would also schedule, down to seconds, the arrival and exit of the president’s aeroplane, Air Force One.

The conservatives who backed Reagan for president were not too content about Nancy’s techniques to keep the president safe, thinking them funny or kooky. Quigley is a famous astrologer who believes that astrology is closer to science than some variety of mystic ability or intuition.

She even used PC programs to make charts for Reagan.

She illuminated that both presidents were born in Feb and both were elected in years ending in nil. Another likeness is that allegedly Lincoln consulted astrologers during his central authority, too, as did President Harding. Even Richard Nixon was known to talk to famous astrologer Jeane Dixon during his time in office. I think he should have asked her about Watergate.
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