Monday, February 23, 2009

Egyptians and Astrology

Egyptian Astrology
The majority of our appreciation of Egyptian astrology is contained in the Cairo Calendar, which includes a listing of all the times of an Egyptian year. Unlike modern astrology as found inside papers, where one can select whether to follow the recommendation there in or not, the Egyptians strictly sticked to what an astrologer would counsel. Some of the most fascinating and misunderstood info about the traditional Egyptians concerns their calendarical and astrological system. Of the best misconception about traditional Egypt and its belief in astrology concerns the supposed worship of animals. The Egyptians did not worship animals, rather the Egyptians according to an animals astrological importance, behaved in certain ritualistic techniques toward certain animals on certain days. The base for deciding if a date was favorable or adverse was based upon a belief in possession of good or malevolent spirits, and on a mythological ascription to the gods.

Simply, an animal wasn’t ritually respected as it was an animal, but rather as it had the capability to become possessed, and therefore could cause harm or help to any individual near them. It was also conceived of that certain gods could on particular days take the form of explicit animals. Thus on certain days, it was much more likely for a particular kind of animal to become possessed by a spirit or god than on other days.

Therefore , the origin of Egyptians worshipping animals, has more to do with the rituals to displace malevolent spirits, and their astrological system, way more than it does to essentially worshipping animals.
Egyptian Astrology

Monday, February 16, 2009

Astrology and 2012

Your Future Here
Lot of prophecies and talks are going on around the planet per the year 2012.

Basically , the calendar of the Mayans ( traditional Maya Civilization of South America ) ends on December twenty-one, 2012 ). Folks are also now trying to get a connection between Kali Yuga and 2012. Some astrologers are forecasting that Kali Yuga will end in 2012 and Satya Yuga will start from December twenty-one, 2012. The world is changing for the good now, he is saying. He asserts from the December of that year, the world will move into a golden period, marking the start of Satya Yuga. There’ll be natural calamities, fiscal issues, wars and global warming. This is also the time when Mayans end their calendar. ‘But our old methods of thinking, including our biology will change as the Sun, Earth and Pleides line up in space. Currently one of the preferred ideas going around is connecting 2012 to Kali Yuga.

In Hinduism, the universe starts in the Satya Yuga and ends in the Kali Yuga. And the cycle creation and eradication is repeated. Dwapara Yuga lasts for 864,000 and Kali Yuga for 432,000. But standard scriptures don’t accept this as Kali Yuga will last for 432,000 years. Now people who are saying that Kali Yuga will end after 5000 years are indicating the start of golden period in 2012. The widely accepted belief of Hindus is that Kali Yuga will see total destruction. Hinduism teaches that all animate and inanimate is Brahman. Doomsday prophecies and 2012 are products of ego or stupidity, which hampers self realization.

To the realized there’s no beginning and end.

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Famous Astrologer

Your Astrology
Joan Quigley is the name of the famous astrologer who suggested previous First Woman Nancy Reagan during her husband, Ronald Reagan’s, years in office.

Nancy Reagan’s dependance on Quigley became front-page stories, and she even made the cover of Time Mag in May 1988 with the title “Astrology in the White House.”. But where did this famous astrologer, Quigley, come from, and how did she first meet Nancy Reagan? Joan Quigley was born in San Francisco. It wasn’t till 1988 that folks found out this famous astrologer was advising Nancy Reagan, and she started getting bad P.

R. For it.

A little vengeance in his motive then, you think? This famous astrologer was called on to set plenty of vital dates and times in President Reagan’s schedule. Quigley would look at calendars and label them bad or good days for the President to do certain things that might put him in peril. She would also schedule, down to seconds, the arrival and exit of the president’s aeroplane, Air Force One.

The conservatives who backed Reagan for president were not too content about Nancy’s techniques to keep the president safe, thinking them funny or kooky. Quigley is a famous astrologer who believes that astrology is closer to science than some variety of mystic ability or intuition.

She even used PC programs to make charts for Reagan.

She illuminated that both presidents were born in Feb and both were elected in years ending in nil. Another likeness is that allegedly Lincoln consulted astrologers during his central authority, too, as did President Harding. Even Richard Nixon was known to talk to famous astrologer Jeane Dixon during his time in office. I think he should have asked her about Watergate.
For more click Your Astrology

Breaking Up- How to Do it

New Love Match
Breaking up can be one of the hardest calls one can ever make. However, in more times than not, we find we are with a jerk who just should be gotten rid of.

Be it not having the ability to tell your husband / girlfriend due to being scared of the results or as they were really great, just isn’t ‘the one. ’. It’s best to get it over with as fast as possible. The longer you wait the harder it’ll get. You do not need to stir up mixed emotions or send confused signals. It is often best to state your opinion on why you wish to break up. Try to not blame one another, it only makes things worse and may cause aggressiveness. It is a hideous way to damage up, but if it is a final resort, do it. After the break up, don’t go back irrespective of what. Of course, there are always exceptions to rules. One may be in a position to go back to somebody they were with, if the explanation isn’t a massive one. If 2 broke up due to distance, it’d be straightforward for them to get back together later on without any heavy issues same thing holds true for misunderstandings.
New Love Match

Online Dating Basics

Match Love Online
You are putting yourself out there with the danger of rejecting in the hope of finding anything from a date to a partner. That is the reason why you want to break web dating down to it’s 3 basic parts : The profile, the photograph, and your plan. Most of us fail as they don’t take the tiny bit of extra effort that they need to make certain they have these three things. If you’ve a great technique, but your profile or snaps are not so good, you’re most likely just wasting your time because you are not going to make a good first impression. But, even if you have got a great profile and photograph, but have no real system, it is a bit like having bullets without a gun. Don’t target the things that you do not want, talking about them just makes it sound like you’ve got more baggage than any standard person is going to need to cope with. Lots of folks like to put pictures that show them with friends or at fancy functions like marriages.

If you have mates or family in the photograph with you, you run the chance of folk spending their time making an attempt to work out if they are merely a pal or your ex. Instead, keep the targeting on you and let visible props like a pet or a setting the shows off some of your personality.

Exploit the search options on your for your dating site so you can eliminate lots of the folk you aren’t interested in.
Match Love ONline

Finding the Right Man

click Who is My Perfect Match
If on the lookout for love is hard, then finding Mr Right may appear very unlikely, particularly after divorce. The right viewpoint on hubbies will boost your chances. Step one in developing a healthy, nurturing relationship is knowing what type of partner that you would like.

It’s best to do this whilst you are unattached, so that your standards aren’t based totally on a particular person. You can start by making a wish list of traits that you want in a partner. Whilst attractiveness may appear crucial at this time, notice that looks fade with time. It’s far better to concentrate on standard of living things like a positive angle or a feeling of humor.

Your list should include what’s vital to you in a person, and what makes you chuffed. The next thing you need to do is list the characteristics of old partners, past lovers, and ex-husbands. What attracted you to them in the 1st place? What percentage of their marks match your list of wants.

If there’s little relationship between what you required and what you were given, see how all the men in your life were similar. If necessary qualities for you are “kind”, “considerate”, and “good-natured”, yet you pick men who are lacking these qualities, but are either “sexy”, “good looking”, or “good dancers”, realize the conflict that exists. Be particularly careful when you meet that “sexy” man that makes your heart race. It’s best just not to even permit yourself the enticement. Don’t settle for under your expectancies solely to be in a relationship. Knowing what you need before you start attempting to find love helps separate the good from the not-so-good, and enables you to find somebody actually compatible for a likely lasting love.

Classifieds , that has a lot to supply, even if you live in a tiny city. Classifieds to find fellows in your neighborhood who have an interest in dating. You may also use their matching system to help target the ones that you are most likely to be compatible with. Destiny is not a matter of chance ; it’s a matter of choice.

click Who is My Perfect Match

The Validity of Astrology

Click Astrology for Love
The definition as I understand it is that human psychology is influenced by the position of the stars, planets, and moons.

I do not believe in horoscopes in the tiniest, they’re more of the over the top example astrology.

This is something weve all experienced and we are able to all agree it occurs. So how does this prove that astrology is real? Well lets go back to that monthly cycle we discussed. A womans menstrual cycle is predicated on a month. But what precisely is a month? A month, according to our present gregorian calendar a month is just a unit of time that is synonimous with a full lunar cycle. A full lunar cycle is the unit of time the female menstration and everyone knows ladies go fucking silly when they’re on their period so this proves that human psychology is influenced by lunar events.
Click Astrology for Love

If a Guy Loves You....

It is even more complicated when it is between a person and a lady in a husband and girlfriend relationship. All you are able to do is to pick up signs and signals from his behaviour and think about his feelings for you.

In more explanatory term, when your man wants to spend all the time he has with you, it’s a really clear indication that he has terribly robust feelings about you.

They will always try and spend each moment with her.

It isn’t surprising that they’d rearrange their whole plan just to house few moments spent with their girl. Thus , when your man or hubby displays such an action there shouldn’t be any room for queries like ‘does he love me’ in your mind. Men only consider the present and the way to make the best use of it in a relationship when they are in one for the short term. It’s a common wish among all men to grip on to the lady they adore for the remainder of their life. So it shouldn’t be a shock if a person brings up issues about the future that involves 2 of you. But if your husband picks up all your calls without regards to what he is doing, the query, ‘does your man actually love you?’ should not arise. It’s a clear indication of his love, as men always wish to hear the voice of the girl they are desperately in love with. And if he does not want to hang up the telephone when you have called then the question ‘does your bloke truly love you?’ should be put to rest.

Does He Love Me

Love is Power

Match Love
Sex and love may appear inextricably linked, but the human brain obviously distinguishes between the 2, according to a new report. The outcome of brain scans talk to longstanding queries of if the pursuit of love and sex are different emotional endeavors or whether love is just heated over sexual arousal. Our findings show the brain areas turned on when a person investigates a photograph of their beloved only partly overlap with the brain regions associated with sexual arousal, said Arthur Aron of the state Varsity of New York-Stony Brook. The study was tiny involving seventeen young women and men, all of whom had not long ago fallen madly in love. They filled out questionnaires whilst their brains were hooked up to a functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI ) system. Love appears to steep in parts of the brain that are loaded in dopamine, a chemical known to affect emotions.

We found many brain areas where the power of neural activity modified with the length of the love, Brown expounded. Everybody knows that relations are dynamic over time, but we’re starting to track what occurs in the brain as a love relationship matures. The analysts neuroscientists, anthropologists and social trick cyclists declare love the obvious winner vs sex re its power over the human mind. Romantic love is an example of the strongest of all human experiences, announced study member Helen Fisher, an anthropologist at Rutgers Varsity . Other studies suggest that up to forty % of people that are defied in love slip into clinical depression, she announced. Some of the changes seen with mature loves were in regions of the brain also related to pair-bonding in prairie voles. Other studies have revealed that expressions of attraction in a female prairie vole are linked to a fifty % hike in dopamine activity in the brain area that corresponds to the location where human love is processed.

These and other information indicate that all mammals may feel attraction to explicit partners, and that some of the same brain systems are concerned, Fisher recounted.
Match Love