Monday, March 2, 2009

Libra Turn-Ons

Libra Turn Ons
The Libra lady isn't simply turned on, because stimuli must first be filtered thru her head. After all that cerebral activity, you'd think she'd have lost her sense of lust. However, the brain is the biggest sex organ of the body, so the only way to turn her on would be to stimulate her mind she'll readily turn to fluff and honey. However, she will sense if you try too tough to turn her on, and there's nothing else off-putting than a choreographed move. The Sun in a lady's chart points principally to the sort of man she is going for. A bloke with charm who dresses well and exudes inner sexiness will naturally get her hot. The Moon, Mars and Venus are also signs to look to if you would like to seduce her. * A preponderance of Earth energy makes the Libra a touch more shy and reserved, but this does not imply she will not be kinky in the bedroom. Doing things for her would engage her emotions and lust for you. She is going to love it when you read her poetry, or quote her regularly. Since Venus loves all things luxurious, treating her like a princess will turn her on. Libra is also ultra-sensual, and some sweet food like honey, strawberries or whipping cream may suit her taste.

When you have managed to capture a touch more attention from her, you can raise the stakes with candlelights and roses the works.

Carefully stroking the tiny of her back will make her hot for you. Libra is head over heels in love with love, and love and lust goes together for this sign.
Libra Turn Ons

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